It was ported to MS-DOS later in the year, where the name was simplified to Word. Microsoft hired Charles Simonyi, Bravo’s “father”, in 1981, and Multi-Tool Word was released for Xenix in 1983. Word was rooted in Bravo, the GUI word processor created at Xerox PARC. With these essentially free apps bundled with the computer, it would be an uphill battle to sell alternative word processing and paint programs – but that didn’t stop anyone. When Apple introduced the original Macintosh in January 1984, it also introduced two programs so Mac users could do something with the new computer, MacWrite and MacPaint. It has been the dominant word processing program on the Mac since 1988 and on Windows since 1993. It was renamed Microsoft Word and ported to MS-DOS in 1983, the Macintosh in 1985, and Windows in 1989. Microsoft Word began life as Multi-Tool Word for Xenix in 1983.